We don’t spoil our nails with baths and masks that much because we think it cost lots of money and it can be done only by a professionist. in fact its not that hard to give your nail a bit of rest and health they really need. Also it doesn’t take too much time and all you need its couple ingredients that every kitchen has.
Prepare these three easy yet effective masks and learn how to care for your nails like a pro.
1. Mask of salt and iodine for fortifying your nails.
Mix a spoon with three drops of iodine. Apply the mask several times a day.
2. Red pepper mask to accelerate the growth of your nails.
Mix half a teaspoon of pepper, with 10 drops of boiling water. Add the mixture into a greasy/heavy hand cream and heat the cream in a steam bath. Apply mask for 15 minutes, no more.
3. Lemon juice for bleaching/whitening.
Apply lemon slices on the nail for 10 minutes and you will immediately notice the effect.